
Welcome to Spatial Data Carpentry

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This website, Spatial Data Carpentry, has been developed to provide the materials for the Spatial Data Carpentry.

The left-hand navigation (Contents), provides the bootcamp material from start (Setup) to finish (Show your results).

Please see More Reading.. for further learning.

The first run of the Spatial Data Carpentry will be held in summer 2015, TBD.

This Spatial Bootcamp is a product by the iPlant Collaborative with help from the UAGIST Center and NEON Inc.

This material has been created in hopes of providing a foundation for researchers and professionals looking to get more familiar with spatial data.

This documentation is created to provides fundamental data on what spatial data is, where to find it, how to manipulate it along with some exercises. To begin, check out some of the links to the left.

This site is still under construction; please send any questions, comments, inquiries, or observations to authors, Nathan Casler or Daniel Guaderrama. Contact info is below.