Compose a map



  • Create a print-based (static, non-interactive) map in QGIS.


Create map of Washington rock strength

Layers needs:

  • geo_coded.tif
  • dem-washington.tif

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Prepare data for map

  1. Uncheck all layers, less dem-washington and geo_coded
  2. Load hillshade-washington.tif
  3. Be sure geo_coded is moved up, or on top of dem-washington:
    • Click-hold-drag geo_coded to the top of the layer list.
    • Uncheck dem-washington layer.
      Spatial Data Carpentry: Show your Results in QGIS
  4. Style geo_coded with qml-style file:
    • Right-click geo_coded > Properties > Style
    • Load Style… (button at bottom) > Navigate to rock-strength.qml
    • QGIS does not load actual minimum and maximum values by default. This enables faster layer rendering. You’ll want to load actual min/max values to visualize the correct data. To load actual min/max values:
      Load min/max values: Min/max
      Accuracy: Actual (slower)
      Click Load
      Click Apply to save changes

      Spatial Data Carpentry: Show your Results in QGIS
    • Increase transparency:
      From within layer Properties > Transparency > Global Transparency > 50%
      Click Apply, OK to save changes and close Properties

    • The product just created visualizes rock strength within Washington state with enhanced effects using hillshade and transparency. Spatial Data Carpentry: Show your Results in QGIS

Making the map

  1. There are several was to open the Print Composer:
    • Menu Bar > Project > New Print Composer
    • Print Composer toolbar icon
      Spatial Data Carpentry: Show your Results in QGIS
  2. Create title:
    • This new Print Composer project will be saved and can be accessed through the Composer Manager.
  3. The Print Composer opens in a new application window, you will still be able to work in your current project while making a map.
  4. You must add a map layer for visualizing. The Add Map tool will require you to create a bounding box to fit the map. Adjust the bounding box as needed. To add a map layer:
    • Menu Bar > Layout > Add Map OR
    • Add new map toolbar icon:
      Spatial Data Carpentry: Show your Results in QGIS
    • Move Item Content tool will allow you to move the map without moving the bounding box
      Spatial Data Carpentry: Show your Results in QGIS
    • Explore tools by hovering over the toolbar icon or go to Menu Bar > Layout to see the names of each layout tool.
  5. Add a legend:
    • Menu Bar > Layout > Add Legend
    • Notice how names and values are not appropriate for a final map. To open legend propertie, using the Select/Move Item tool: Select the legend layer and notice the Item properties on the right
      Spatial Data Carpentry: Show your Results in QGIS
    • Item properties: Here you are able to change the title, select which legend to produce based on the map layer, modify legend item, etc. See the images below for the list of options.
      Spatial Data Carpentry: Show your Results in QGIS
  6. Add a title:
    • add title
  7. Add scale bar:
    • scale bar
  8. Map info
    • map info
  9. North arrow
    • Menu Bar > Layout > Add image then click area on map.
    • Image item properties > Search directories > Locate North Arrow
  10. Configure additional features
  11. Export map:
    • As Image, PDF, or SVG.
      Spatial Data Carpentry: Show your Results in QGIS