
Pre-requisites: Intro to Spaital Data


  • Understanding purpose of metadata
  • Recognizing elements included in spatial metadata

Data about data

Metadata is easily overlooked, but can be critical when data is downloaded from an unfamiliar source. Metadata helps you understand the accuracy and content of your data.

Understanding the data you’ve just gathered

Metadata (should) explain the critical elements of the data you have compiled or gathered. Some of these include how it was collected, accuracy of the data, when it was collected, and any limitations or possible errors. Good metadata adds credibility to a downloaded dataset. Having a positive attitude about metadata will help you produce well documented data that can be properly utilized by others in the future. A key to good metadata is thinking about what you think the next owner of the data should know about the dataset.

The importance of spatial data metadata

Spatial data without metadata can be tricky, especially if the data is missing projection data. Many data formats hold projection information in an external projection file which can be easily forgotten. If you don’t know the projection of a dataset, you should not use the data in your analysis.

Viewing metadata in QGIS

Below are some meta data properties you are able to view in QGIS:

View Metadata in QGIS Right-click layer > Properties > Metadata


  • Storage type
  • Description of provider
  • Layer source
  • Geometry type
  • Number of features in layer
  • Editing capabilities
  • Author or point of contact


  • (xMin, yMin), (xMax,yMax)
  • Spatial Reference System